Computing A Single Transport Coefficient

This is an example of using `~plasma_properties.transport.SM~.

from plasma_properties import transport

Am = 1.9944235e-23 # Atomic mass of element [g]
rho_i = 1 # Mass density [g/cc]
T = 0.2 # Temperature [eV]
Z = 6 # Nuclear charge for carbon

# Instantiate the Stanton-Murillo transport submodule
sm = transport.SM(Am, rho_i, T, Z, units_out='cgs')

# Compute transport coefficients
D = sm.self_diffusion()
eta = sm.viscosity()
K = sm.thermal_conductivity()

print(D, eta, K)

Output (in cgs units):

[0.00127858] [0.00084193] [21856.10137931]